The secrets to staying focused when your essay has a tight deadline

To give you plenty of food for thought, we’ve put together some tips from the essay writing pros so that you can get yourself into the right frame of mind. Essay writing is very much a mental game, so the better prepared you are, the better you’ll perform. Let’s get started!

Start as early as you can

Starting early means two things. Firstly, you should try and start as far ahead of schedule as you can so that you have as much time as possible. Secondly, it means starting early in the morning. Filling up on a good breakfast, stretching your legs as the sun comes up, and then getting down to some serious work is always the best way to get the job done.

You’ll find you’re far less likely to become distracted in the morning, and you’ll also have the satisfaction that comes from knowing you’re making progress when you’d normally be asleep. Ideal if you’re looking for the added motivation that you need to power through and submit on time.

Don’t work in a group

Working in a group certainly has its merits, but not when your deadlines are closing in on you fast. The tendency to discuss topics in groups is great, but as everyone becomes increasingly aware of the deadline you’ll all start stressing one another out. Talking about how it’s annoying, stressful, and unreasonable are all things you’ll find yourself doing. And they’re all things that take away your focus from your essay.

Put your phone in a separate room

Before you consider whether you should Get Academic Help, put your phone away. It sounds a little dictatorial, but there are so many instances of students becoming distracted by their iPhones that it just has to be said.

Keeping your phone in a separate room is a great way to prevent yourself reaching into your pocket every time you sense an alert is headed your way. Keep it out of arms reach and you’ll find you have your eyes where they should be — your essay.

Listen to music that calms you down

Listening to music that pumps you up is great in the gym, but not so much when you need to concentrate and focus. Essay writing is a mental game, and it’s not one that you can win when you are full of testosterone and bouncing up and down on the spot. It’s all about being calm, relaxed, and letting your words flow onto the page. Classical music is a popular choice as it stimulates your mind and helps make you more creative.

Run through your arguments in your head before you start writing

Go over your arguments at length before you even pick up a pen or reach for your laptop. That way you’ll know exactly what it is you’re trying to say, and that’s half the battle. The other half is finding the right words to do your ideas justice, and you’ll find they come once you have your arguments all figured out.

Leave plenty of time for proofreading

A really common mistake people make as their deadlines loom over them is forgetting to proofread their work. Others purposefully skip it as they’ve been up all night panicking trying to finish. Budget plenty of time for it, and remember that it’s the part of the writing process in which you really fine tune your work. It can make two grades difference at least!

Don’t stare at the clock

Staring at a clock is a surefire way to constantly remind yourself that your deadline is getting ever closer. This isn’t a good thing, and it certainly won’t make you write any better. It might make you panic and churn out a couple of substandard pages to finish ASAP, but you won’t get the grade you were hoping for. Plan your time out in advance, and then sit down and focus on the task at hand.

Visualize yourself submitting your essay

There’s a lot to be said for the power of visualization. If you can picture yourself submitting your essay and then putting your feet up at home, it should give you the motivation to make it your reality.

Nothing good ever came from being sleep deprived

The final thing you should do is get plenty of sleep. No one ever wrote a better essay by trying to write all through the night. They may have been writing for longer, but the quality of their output will have fallen dramatically.

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